Welcome to another edition of Dr. Greger in the Kitchen. "Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: Groatnola" Today, we're going to be making “groatnola,” which arose out of my frustration with finding a healthy breakfast cereal. … [Read more...] about Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: Groatnola
dr michael greger
Friday Favorites: What Are the Health Benefits of Sorghum? "What Are the Health Benefits of Sorghum?" Sorghum is “The Forgotten Grain.” The United States is actually the #1 producer of sorghum, “but it is typically not used to produce food for American consumers.” Instead it’s … [Read more...] about Friday Favorites: What Are the Health Benefits of Sorghum?
Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diets for Autism Put to the Test "Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diets for Autism Put to the Test" The so-called opioid-excess theory of autism is that when certain wheat and dairy proteins are ingested, morphine-like protein fragments are created, that then … [Read more...] about Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diets for Autism Put to the Test
The Best Diet for Cancer Patients "The Best Diet for Cancer Patients" Our lifetime risk of developing an invasive cancer, not like some superficial skin cancer or like ductal carcinoma of the breast, but serious cancer is about 40%. Two in five of us are … [Read more...] about The Best Diet for Cancer Patients
Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? "Is Gluten Sensitivity Real?" In 1980, researchers in England reported a series of women who suffered from chronic diarrhea that resolved on a gluten-free diet, yet did not have evidence of celiac disease, the … [Read more...] about Is Gluten Sensitivity Real?