hey guys today we are going to talk about rice the enemy of diabetics now i'm dr ahmed ergin and i'm an endocrinologist dermatologist diabetes education specialist you name it see tons of patients every day deal with them every day love them they love rice i love them they love rice sometimes they crease a conflict so i found some solutions for you guys let's get started all right guys so everybody loves rice almost everybody you know it's very rare to find somebody who says oh god you know doc you know i hate rice you know don't have to you don't have to talk to him about that that that doesn't happen and some people will say oh i don't eat rice well guess what they lie so just kidding or they hide information let's put it nicely but bottom line is rice tastes good i mean everybody loves rice now personally of course i'm a diabetic i hope when i say of course i can be diabetic it's not that you know i don't have to be but i'm not diabetic but but but but definitely i have to watch my own carbs myself otherwise guess what happens i have diabetes in my family a lot of people do and if you just live your life freely without any concern caution you can be there and join the rest of your family now what do i do personally i don't eat rice and everything you know but i love the rice alternatives too and when i eat rice i keep my portion very small not going on heavy on the rise and i'm very active so it doesn't bother me like if you're an active person even when you're diabetic if you changed your lifestyle you're working out you're running every day or bicycling whatever you do the carbs are not going to affect you as much because your body is burning it the only time you have problems with carbs you're eating carbs you're sitting on it that's the problem with people especially in america we don't even get out of our cars to grab something you know everything is now drive through tank to covert 19 now it's even worse nobody goes anywhere everybody is sitting at their home if they want to go eat they just go drive through they're eating their cars what do you expect to happen right but there are rice alternatives now rice versus brown rice is something that a lot of people ask questions about well to be honest with you brown rice versus rice doesn't make a huge difference you know like the regular rice has a glycemic index of 80.
So it tends to spike your blood sugar and rice is something kind of dense so glycemic load is high with that remember we always keep this watermelon example where you know watermelon has a very high glycemic index which can spark your blood sugar but the carbohydrates in one portion is small because it's mostly water right if something has a lot of fiber and water in it it's unlikely to spike your blood sugar although they're sweet just like the watermelon if you're having one slice of watermelon that shouldn't be a huge deal but with the rice or anything heavy like bread that's dense you can tell it's like you know mass without much water in it definitely can spike your blood sugar so the rice for example and the glycemic index is up there is up to like 80 or so with the regular rice and brown rice is around 68 65 68 something like that and a lot of people doesn't understand what the glycemic index is about so basically what we are doing here you know when they do glycemic index studies they give 50 grams of sugar to someone and they compare that 50 grams of something else whatever that is in this case like rice maybe and then see how much the blood sugar spikes right so you don't have to sit down and you know re-experiment everything so that's why they have these guidelines and this is on a regular individual you may be a little different but it's a good thing for you to compare so for example regular glucose like pure sugar that's hundred that's the gold standard now if either rice is spiking your blood sugar is if the glycemic is index is 80 that means that it is close to pure sugar and only 20 less than the sugar so it will spike your blood sugar even the glycemic index of things like that are down to 50 that doesn't mean that it's not going to spike your blood sugar it can if you have no insulin in your body or if you're super insulin resistant anything can spike your blood sugar even with the low glycemic index but it shouldn't be as bad as something that has high glycemic index right so in this case you know you can say that okay well rice will spike my blood sugar because the glycemic index is up there at 80.
We typically recommend you know below 45 50 glycemic index if you want to have carbs the brown rice is up there too you know 65 68 is really not that great now what are the other alternatives and again you can find a lot of things that i'm gonna talk today down in the link below i have an affiliate link so if you purchase those products from amazon or anything else in that regard i will get a tiny commission and i'm not really after that but if you're gonna purchase it anyways you can definitely support us i don't mind that so having said that let's move on what are the other things that you can do still enjoy the rice taste and feeling but don't let your blood sugar high a couple things now if you are really looking for rice rice the best thing you can do the number one thing that you can try is shirtaki rice and sometimes called miracle rice again you can find us on amazon in the link below but that has no carbs whatsoever so you can eat it's like a free food and if you want to put your food or anything on top of your rice that trendy rice will be great and most people don't even realize that it's not real rice so that's number one now it doesn't have any taste by the way by itself it goes with the taste of whatever you put on it so that's a good thing now if you are looking for a different taste and some nutty flavor you can definitely go for something like barley there's something called pearl barley you know that has a lot of fiber in it and some protein in it as well it takes a little longer time to cook for things like that that are high in fiber these grains that are typically very high in fiber that may take longer time to cook the problem with the rice yeah you can cook it in 10 minutes and that because they rip off all their fibers and stuff before it comes to your table that's why it brown rice is a little bit better but still not that great but things like pearl barley is minimally processed and you can use just barley you know that's not processed barley as well you just need to use a pressure cooker that you know gets the job done fast otherwise it may take you a long time same thing with the oats right if you don't use a pressure cooker that's going to take an hour versus sometimes my wife will make that great steel cut oatmeal in five minutes in pressure cooker i'm like that's great you know what else can i ask for before i forget i want to also mention the glycemic index of barley which is 28.
Again that doesn't mean that it's free food but it means that it's going to spike your blood sugar much less compared to the rice which has a glycemic index of 80. so pearl barley is another one quinoa quinoa is a great glycemic index is down to 50 and it tastes great it's an acquired taste goes well with a lot of things so definitely give it a try to quinoa as well by the way remember i had a video about first worst vegetables and there i was like basically smashing potato potato can have a glycemic index of 110 that's like the worst thing ever so let's move on to rice cauliflower so if you're a fan of cauliflower and if you like that already you can just buy the cauliflower rice and that has like a super low glycemic index and super low carbs that is something else you can consider instead of rice and again if you have these things in your kitchen your hand and your easy access then you will make it so as of today go buy these things and sometimes even the reason i'm giving you the amazon link also is you may hate amazon it's a big capitalism thing and you know it kills the small businesses sometimes that's all true but at the same time it's a good thing that they created this super convenient thing where a lot of things you cannot find in a store you can find on amazon it's on your door in two days i mean i'm guilty as charged i use amazon a lot myself but all these things it's just in your fingertips you can just buy it have it ready try it make sure you have good recipes uh youtube has a lot of recipes for these different rices so make sure you check them out and have a nice meal try that tonight you know give me your comments tell me how it felt you know how you liked is not everybody's gonna like everything but give it a try and whatever it takes to keep your blood sugar down remember you know different trying different things you don't have to be even a diabetic i try to attack your eyes myself i try short ducting noodles myself and that's perfectly okay you don't have to even have to be a diabetic so just be open to different tastes you know these things are eaten consumed in asia in different parts of the world why not give it a try you don't have to travel all the way to china to try these things or taiwan whatever give me your comments make sure you share this video and have a great day guys we'll talk to you in the next one remember we have a lot of videos that are all about diabetes and overall health so watch them educate yourself and be empowered talk to you later
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