so my last week's peanut butter experiment was a complete failure the taste was good but
the texture is definitely not a peanut butter so i figured i may have to buy peanut butter and
at least try them out to figure out which peanut butter will give me a nice peanut buttery flavor
so i can make peanut butter cookies today and to get delicious gluten-free peanut butter cookies
i'm gonna try out different flower combinations which peanut butter is really tasty now my
canadian friends recommended this peanut butter to be the tastiest of all the ones they have tried let's give it a try the taste
test it's not quite right on but it's definitely better than some of the
other peanuts that i have tasted in ireland i did find though hidden away in a supermarket
a peanut butter brand i haven't tried so i figured out i can't be the judge
alone so i took that peanut butter and jamie and shauna's favorite peanut butter
and brought it to their party let's figure out in a blind taste test which peanut butter will be
the best or the closest to american peanut butter because we're doing the peanut butter tasting
we're going to try to figure out which one is the peanut butter which comes closest
to american okay look like this okay when i look like this ryan can so we have
different peanut butters but i think it's really between those three because that's
unique yeah it's not really a peanut butter so try this one that's really tasty though it's
interesting isn't it i like it really well with honey that's not agave in it please please okay hips is winning
so far thank you okay which oh what are these crazy people doing yeah because
again you're not supposed to peanut butter it's not it's peanut butter whatever no now
crisps yeah we got crisps yeah you can have a little taste test over there yeah
so one two or three super easy choices two which one was yours one
without a question like two too good like i liked one but it was too
smooth no and two was crunchy and flavor ones flavor wise one and two were
very close so this was one i like the crunchiness of this one but the
crunchy of this one is really good so the flavor of wine was hands down the best interesting
yeah because that's that one is it yeah we have a peanut butter winner so now i can
happily and contently and self-assuredly make my peanut butter cookies but i will try two words one
with sugar one without sugar and just see how the taste difference will be and if actually without
sugar the cookie is not going to fall apart on me and then i want to try out which gluten-free
flour combination would actually work for cookies so i have two different flour
combinations which i think could possibly work one is the flour combination for my tart
crust and the other one for my pie crust and the big difference between the pie crust
and the tom crust flour combination is that the pie crust has much more potato flour in it and no
oat flour or brown rice flour so let's see if any of those two flours will hold up in making this
peanut butter cookie recipe for my trial i'm gonna make four different batches the one batch will be
pie crust flour and the other one tart crust flour and then the number three and four would be pie
and tart crust as well but no sugar so i'm going to create my base mixture and then separate it
out to add to one bad sugar and for the other no sugar and then i'm going to add two different
flour combinations and see what comes out of it for the base recipe i have to measure one cup
of butter which should be about 200 grams i'm gonna double check on that and we're gonna add
the eggs and the baking soda and so on and i'm gonna use 250 grams of butter or dairy-free butter
substitute one cup or 140 grams of peanut butter half a teaspoon of salt 2 eggs one teaspoon of baking powder and one teaspoon
of baking soda which is also called bread soda in ireland and now i'm combining the ingredients
in my stand mixer butter the peanut butter and the eggs are not well combined and i want
to measure how much this combination weighs because i want to quarter the mixture to make
my different peanut butter cookie variations so each variation should get about 150
grams of my peanut butter cookie batch so here's my first batch and i'm gonna
add about 50 grams of dark brown sugar and 50 grams of white sugar and i want to
add 100 grams of my tart flour combination and now i'm gonna blend it again in my mixer okay
here's my first cookie dough experiment mixture and i'm going to transfer it now to a
different bowl i'm going to repeat now the process three more times to have my
different peanut butter cookie variations so if you line up the different cookie doughs you
actually see the difference this is the pie crust and you can see what for a solid cookie though
this is and this is the pie crust without sugar and that's also pretty soft if you look at
the sugar top crust combination you see it's a little bit more lumpier and the third crust
without sugar is a pretty dense dough ball i am very curious to pick up those
different peanut butter flour combination and see how different the texture will be after
i bake them the cookie doughs have to rest for an hour in the fridge before i can bake them
up so here are my rested sugar-free cookies and i'm gonna take a small ice cream scoop and
scoop my cookies onto my baking sheet i'm also going to press down with a fork into my cookie
dough to make my cookies a little bit flatter i'm going to mark the cookies with one
toothpick into the bowl which says tart crust i'm also going to place one toothpick so i
can later identify which cookie is which cookie the pie crust sugar-free cookie
dough is definitely much more pliable i'm gonna put your cookies now
into the oven for 10 minutes here are my freshly baked peanut butter
cookies so here's the lineup of my peanut butter cookie experiments sugar-free tart
sugar-free pie sugar tart and sugar pie and you can actually see how different the texture
is which is pretty neat and i'm going to break the cookie with the tart crust and sugar-free it
has nice crumbs and tastes totally disgusting well not totally but it tastes like dry bread
with peanut butter it makes you choke a little bit because it's so freaking dry so uh i really don't
hate anybody that much that i would want to serve that type of cookie so let's try number two that's
the pie crust flour combination sugar-free yeah um uh just to definitely know but
this is the cookie with sugar and this is the tart crust you can see when i slowly
break it it doesn't doesn't have a snap to it hmm i definitely needed the sugar it's a nice chewy
cookie it's good i would definitely serve this one again you see a little bit of the pull on it as
also very nice crumb i would say this one is even a little bit chewier which i'm not surprised
about because it has more potato flour in it both of them are pretty good though so
depends do you want a chewier cookie then use the pie crust flour combination and if
you like to have a little bit of more crunch to it you will use the tart crust flour combination and
both of the flour combinations are listed on my channel and on my website i hope you enjoyed
today's show and if you did please make sure to subscribe to my channel and check the bell
to get notifications about any upcoming videos and if you have any comments
feedback ideas which i can try out please make sure to add them below in the
comment box and i see you next week bye
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